Επιστολή FIEC προς Υπουργό Παιδείας
Επιστολή FIEC προς Υπουργό Παιδείας
5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

Dear Sir,
I write on behalf of FIEC (International Federation of Associations of Classical Studies), a
body which brings together all major associations of Classical Studies around the world.
In the past two years, our Federation has learned, with great surprise and profound
concern of a steady restriction and downgrading in the teaching of Classics in Greek
Secondary Education.
More specifically: According to a recent Ministerial Decision, in the three classes of the
Gymnasium, one hour was eliminated from the teaching of Ancient Greek language. In
the Lyceum, the restriction of Ancient Greek and Latin is also detrimental to the linguistic
and cultural background of Greek pupils. In particular, in the first and the second class,
the teaching of Ancient Greek was reduced by three hours (one hour in the first and two
hours in the second class), while the teaching of Latin was abolished in the second and
restricted in the third class to the candidates of Humanities. Similarly, the abolition of
Pericles’ Funeral Speech in the third class of the Lyceum deprives schoolchildren of the
acquaintance with the values of this unique text.
In the current year we hear that a more radical downgrading in Classics is imminent,
since the Head of the Committee for the Dialogue in Education has proposed the
abolition of the teaching of the original Ancient Greek texts from the Gymnasium and its
restriction in the Lyceum only to those wishing to take Humanities in Higher Education.
All these measures will deal a heavy blow to Classical Education: if eventually applied in
Greece, the birthplace of Classical Civilization, they will significantly weaken the younger
generation’s skills in oral and written communication, clarity of expression and critical
thinking. This is all the more unfortunate, since such measures go against the practice
adopted in many countries, where the teaching of Classics has been recognized as an
important instrument for the knowledge of our common roots in language and culture.
As an International Organization devoted to the promotion of Classical Studies, we ask
you, as Greek Minister of Education, to intervene to prevent downgrading the Humanities
and support the teaching of classical languages and literature, thus enabling Greek youth
to take full advantage of the substantial benefits of classical tradition in language and
Looking forward to your reply, I remain
yours sincerely
Franco Montanari (FIEC President)


Αριστείδου 6, 3ος όροφ. Γραφ. 21, 22
Κάθε Τετάρτη 10:30 - 13:30